

patent attorney (PL),
European Patent Attorney,
legal counsel (PL),
professional representative before the EUIPO [European Union Intellectual Property Office],
representative entitled to act before the DPMA [Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt – German Patent and Trademark Office],
representative before the UPC [Unitary Patent Court]
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia (1992).
She is one of the few people in Poland whose knowledge in the field of intellectual property law has been multidimensionally verified during the course of successively completed apprenticeships which were:

  • judicial apprenticeship (1994),
  • legal counsel apprenticeship (1996) and
  • patent attorney apprenticeship (1997).

She completed the most difficult judicial apprenticeship on a full-time basis and with a result that made her realistic about her chances of being appointed as a judge.
She prepared to practice as a patent attorney under the guidance of her mother, Helena Dawid, M.Sc. (entry no. on the List of Patent Attorneys: 917).
She runs a patent law firm specializing in intellectual property law issues.
She has been and remains amember of national and foreign institutions and organizations, including, among others:

  • in 2012 – Co-chair of the Expert Team for Industrial Property Law Reform at the Minister of Administration and Digitization,
  • in 2012 – at the invitation of the President of EPO [European Patent Office] – in SACEPO [Standing Advisory Committee before the EPO],
  • from 2003 to 2006 – Vice-President ofthe National Council of Patent Attorneysof Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys,
  • from 2011 to 2017 – Full Member of Council ofepi [European Patent Institute – the Institute of Professional Attorneys appearing before the European Patent Office],
  • from 2014 to 2017 – Member of Board of epi [epi – European Patent Institute – the Institute of Professional Attorneys appearing before the European Patent Office],
  • from 27.11.2009 to 05.11.2017 – President of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys,
  • since 07.01.2023: President of the StoWI Association.

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